Business Information management

Business Informatiemanagement awareness
In this custom made workshop the focus is on the how, why and importance of business information management. The program depends on the needs, particular situation and questions of the client. Different standard presentations, exercises and customization can be concatenated to a workshop of one hour to one or more days. Important is the interaction in the group and look outwards and inwards: what am I doing, where do I go to, where I want to go, how far should I go. … BiSL, the framework for business information management, forms the theoretical reference model.

Specific topics or questions may be:

  • what are business information management and service management and how important are they for me
  • how should I invest in business information management and service management and implement or improve, where do I start, what do I need, top down or bottom up there for
  • mandates and cooperation
  • demand- management versus supply-management
  • types of information management and implementation criteria.

Duration: this workshop lasts, depending on the purpose and the needs one hour to multiple days.

Business Informatiemanagement self-assessment
In the workshop BiSL self-assessment managers, team-leads and operational business information managers jointly explore how well each business information management process is operated, the strengths and weaknesses are determined and the desired and necessary improvements. The self-assessment is based on the BiSL framework and the self-assessment workbook.

Duration: this workshop can be run in two parts: the operational and management processes (one full day) and the strategic processes (half a day).

Need more information? Download our brochure in Pdf format

We also provide a:
Shorttrack Business Informatiemanagement self-assessment
In a short session we let you, based on the BiSL-framework, give a quick assessment of a) the importance of the BiSL processes for (a specific part of) your organization and b) the quality of the process operation. On the basis of this high-over picture, together with you we explore what your next steps might be for the professionalization of your business information management organization. 

Duration: 1 to 2 hours. We can include this short self-assessment as an additional element in any training or awareness program.

Business Informatiemanagement Cloud Awareness workshop
This interactive workshop provides managers and employees understanding of the challenges facing business information management organizations face when dealing with IT services and information from the cloud.

Duration: 0.5 day

Business Informatiemanagement Governance in the Cloud training
This training addresses the most important issues to be addressed by organisations when dealing with IT services or information from the cloud. Practical tools are provided for dealing with these concerns. 

Duration: 2 days

ISO 38500 Corporate Governance of IT
This workshop starts with explaining purpose an content of the ISO/IEC standard 38500 Corporate governance of IT. Based on this we show how to apply this international standard in daily practice.

Duration: 1 day