Business case for BiSL (part two)

In a previous blog I promised some more examples of the added value that BiSL can offer to an organization. And until now I have been in debt to all readers for not having posted my next blog with the promised cases. Well, here it is. This time again three short descriptions of situations that illustrate how organizations can benefit from putting BiSL into use.

Decision making about IT

In the town council of a small town the head of the finance department was next to being responsible for the financial situation of the organization also responsible for all IT. All his colleague heads of other departments were not interested in IT and depended fully upon the finance department for providing financial means as well as IT to support their business processes. Nobody at a managerial level had usable knowledge of IT and the way IT could be used within the organization. This situation led to tensions and frustrations. The head of the finance department got a lot of comments on the IT services (software packages intended for local government) and he felt he was left alone by his colleagues on the subject of IT of which he only knew the purchasing aspects. At the same time the other heads of department felt they did not get the IT services they needed and felt that nobody listened to their complaints.

The head of the finance department sought for a way to solve his problems and ran across BiSL. He recognized the potential of BiSL and adopted this framework. Then some things started changing. The head of the finance department came to the conclusion that he could not act on his own and that his colleagues should have a role and responsibility in the subject of IT as well. So he started a BiSL awareness program in the organization. In this program not only the IT personnel was involved, but the colleague heads of department as well. After some time all participants understood their roles and responsibilities. For the first time a discussion about IT demand started. This even led to a joint development of an information plan for the next year. The first information plan ever made in the organization!

Acquiring adequate process support

The second case is about a hospital. This hospital has a collection of different medical professionalisms each with its own processes, procedures and ways of working. IT in a hospital typically aims to support the administrative functions. However the importance of data and information systems is growing within the medical processes as well. Examples are hospital wide electronic patient files, data exchange with external medical labs or integration of data from several medical specialists in order to come to a holistic approach of the patient.

The medical professionals in the hospital more and more appreciated the value of information and information systems for their processes and were starting to develop some ideas about how to make use of information systems in their medical practice. The medical professionals were not involved in decision making on IT or in contracting IT service providers. And IT was not a topic in the medical board room meetings. This led to frustrations with the medical professionals because they had a feeling they were not getting the IT they needed and they could not get their message clear. And the IT department got frustrated as well. They did their best to meet the expectations of the organization in realizing information systems to support the administrative functions and they now felt they were under attack by the medical specialists who suddenly ambushed the IT department.

After a while the hospital board of executives decided an organization wide IT policy and IT plan was needed. As a consequence of this, the entire organization had to articulate their demand for IT. BiSL was used to create awareness about IT demand management and corporate governance of IT. With some help, the medical professionalisms created a user structure of key users and process owners through whom their colleagues could communicate about IT issues. And a communication model was established between the IT department and the process owners and key users. On basis of the BiSL framework the most important tasks in the field of IT demand management and corporate governance of IT were identified for the hospital. These tasks were assigned to the process owners and key users. And to empower these medical professionals in their IT roles, they all attended BiSL workshops where they found out the basics of information systems and business information management. That helped them to play their role in managing and governing IT in their organization in order to get adequate IT support for the medical processes as well.

Enabling outsourcing

For various reasons a Dutch bank decided to outsource their IT. In the search for an outsourcing partner the bank became aware of the importance of the retaining IT organization. But what was the retaining IT organization supposed to be doing?

In the plans of the bank all technical activities were to be outsourced, including technical integration and the systems integrator role. Therefor the sole, but very important task of the retaining IT organization would be to translate business needs into IT requirements that would be input for the IT service providers. At that point executives in the bank remembered that in the past there had been some major arguments between IT and business about results of information system development projects, requirements and test results. Trying to avoid these discussions and delivering the needed IT on time was one of the motives for outsourcing. The executives got worried that the scenario of discussions and not being able to deliver the necessary IT would repeat itself.

It was decided to do an assessment on the quality of the processes and organizational structure of the part of the IT organization that was to retained within the bank. An assessment based upon the BiSL framework proved very useful. The BiSL framework helped to define the roles and responsibilities of the retaining IT organization and the assessment made some omissions and weak spots visible. On basis of these assessment findings an improvement plan was defined and carried out. The general feeling within the bank organization as well as with the IT service providers that were contracted, was that this professionalization was a major contribution to the success of the outsourcing. Since then some major IT innovations were realized and up till now the relationship between business and IT has worked out very good.


I hope these case studies help in appreciating the added value of the BiSL framework. All reactions to are more than welcome.

Frank van Outvorst, March 2015.